Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Green Room

The Green Room. A place of pre-performance warm-ups, photo shoots, the last place you can still smoke inside. Lots goes on in the Green Room, and most of the time, the room isn't even green. Like at the Double Door, for instance. Here, to enter the Green Room, you go downstairs, around the corner, past security, through the door, into this winding hallway with attached rooms; none of which, are green. The walls are covered in posters of bands to have already graced the stage with their presence. Sitting and waiting, staring at all the huge acts to have come through here before you, is pretty mind blowing. The thought "I'm playing on the same stage as the Rolling Stones and Tenacious D” crosses your mind and I'm not going to lie, you feel pretty bad ass. Some Green Rooms consist of nothing more than a few chairs, a bathroom, and if your lucky, a bucket of the beer the bar can't sell so they give it to you pretending it's out of the goodness of their hearts. (Like Leinekugel 1884 Bock, or MGD 64)

Anyhow, the Green Room has always been a source of intrigue and mystery for any concert goer, so I won't go any farther. Just know, what happens in the Green Room, can be shared for just a small price:)

~Eric Csukor

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