Saturday, November 20, 2010

Holly Jolly Holidays

Life has been nothing short of TOTALLY AWESOME for myself and the boys in the past few months. With the smell of turkey, stuffing, and greenbean cassorole right around the corner, the next couple months are huge for 3 In Counting. We recently toured down to Miami for the Miami Music Festival, where we played at the legendary Churchills Pub in, wait for it...... LITTLE HAITI!!!! There we played with 9 other bands, all which were talented, however, there was one band that really blew me away. A band from Austin, Texas dubbed "The Bright Light Social Hour". Great guys, and a great sound. After a long night of music and partying, we woke up the next morning and headed straight to South Beach for some fun in the sun...and to skope out the local talent of course ;) The weather couldn't have been better and I am looking forward to working with some of the bands we met in the near future.

With our Miami trip a safe success, now 3 In Counting has 2 premium events to look forward too, as well as our fans! The day after X-Mas we take the main stage at the House of Blues in Chicago. 5 years ago, this would have seemed like a dream that would maybe never be achieved, but here we are in 2010 and 3IC is making that dream come true. The guys from Stellar Road will be headlining the show and I can't thank them enough for inviting us out to play. We will see all of you there Dec. 26th. Tickets are on sale now!!!

The time has almost come!! Our long anticipated Cd Release show has finally been announced!!! We are going to play out debut Cd in its entirety at The Double Door in Chicago on Jan. 22nd 2011!!!! With 4 GREAT bands on the bill, this night will be a for sure BLOWOUT concert!! I can't thank our fans enough for being patient about the cd and promise you that the wait will be well worth it. Tickets are also available for this event online now!

On a side note. With all the traveling, practicing, and hard work being put into this band, 3 In Counting has been very prolific in producing new songs, which will be showcased throughout 2011. I believe in trying to keep things fresh and fun for our fans and I Promise.....2011 is the year everybody. Thanks for all the support and we love you all. -Mike

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